Why you should get a used forklift
on Wednesday, May 10, 2023 at 15:18

If the forklift became an essential tool in many warehouses this is due to its capacity of decreasing overall downtime and highly increasing productivity. However, acquiring a forklift represents an important investment as the models are pretty expensive. Did you consider the option of buying a used one?
Although some people are reluctant to buy used equipment as they associate it with low-quality and maintenance costs, you might be surprised to learn about the many benefits you will get by choosing a used one. Discover all the reasons why you should get a used one through this article.
Reason #1 : Owns the machinery while making savings
As said previously, a forklift is an expensive purchase and it represents an investment, it has to be cost-effective. Thus, you need to consider how often you will use it in order to know at which price you can buy it to get a good return on investment. If you think that you are going to use it occasionally and not to its full potential, then getting a used one would be a better option for you.
Indeed, if you know you will use the forklift for less than 4 hours a day, we highly recommend you to not buy a new one as it won’t be cost-effective. Instead, going for a used model will allow you to save a lot of money. In fact, even though you don’t have a big budget, you might still be able to get one as used forklifts can be up to half of the price of a new one. Also, having your own machinery allows you to use it whenever you need it.
Unlike new models that might require training programs for your employees, the used models have the advantage to be familiar and your operators are more likely to know how to use them. Therefore, you will also save money and time on training.
Reason #2 : A large selection of models
Used forklifts don’t necessarily mean less choice. In fact, if you decide to go for a used one you will have the choice among a wide range of models. Thus, you will be able to find a machine that will perfectly match your requirements and get the model you want at a lower price than a new one.
Indeed, if used forklifts are more and more in demand as they are less expensive, there are also many people selling their forklifts to get a different model or because they don’t need it anymore. Therefore, it gives you many options and allows you to save money that you will be able to set aside for other operations. Besides, if you are thinking about using your forklift for different purposes, you can buy a basic model and use the money you saved to buy additional equipment or accessories to adapt it to different operations.
Reason #3 : An experts’ inspection
If you are suspicious about the quality of a used forklift, do not worry : each of the used models on sale have been inspected by experts. In fact, these professionals have to make sure that the forklift has a good working condition. They will inspect all the kinks in order to know what has to be modified or replaced prior to being put for sale. Thus, you can be sure about buying a piece of equipment that will not break down and that can last for a long time.
A used model will have a proven track record and will be available only when experts have reported that it is fully operational. Therefore, you will not have to worry about its condition and you may even get a warranty. Also, as a used forklift has proven its abilities and its resistance you know you are purchasing a solid piece of equipment with well-tested durability.
Reason #4 : Used models are fixed by experts
When inspecting used forklifts, experts notice all the kinks and parts that have to be replaced in order to have an equipment with fully functional capacities. Thereby, they know exactly what kind of repairs the machinery needs prior to be ready for use again. They will repair the forklift if necessary by replacing some parts and they will make sure the engine is operational.
Thus, you can be sure that your forklift will not break down and can last a long time. You won’t have to pay any costs for the repair as all used forklifts on sale have already been inspected and repaired.
Reason #5 : Your equipment is available immediately
Unlike new trucks that usually imply a lead time that may be fairly long, used forklifts are available instantly. Thus, you don’t have to wait for weeks before being able to use it and you can start improving your productivity and facilitating your operations right away. Therefore, it is the best option if your material handling needs are likely to change pretty fast or if you would like to increase your productivity very soon.
Still not convinced? Would you like to learn more about the different options available? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of our specialist. We will listen to your needs and give you the best recommandations to find the perfect forklift. You can contact us at this number : (450) 600-2295.